The standing office desk is a popular news topic these days, with a wealth of research available online and in scientific journals. One such study, published in the Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health is noteworthy.
Sitting all day at work, when driving, while watching TV and getting a good night’s rest have Americans sedentary for an average of 21 hours in a day!
This leads to a higher risk of diabetes, some cancers, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, not to mention neck and back pain.
Finally, an increasing number of workers are focusing more on health and productivity in the workplace – and a standing work station is one of the best ways to increase both. Get up and move while you work!
There are two important variations for an ergonomic standing desk, mainly having to do with what makes it go up and down.
Non-powered versions include either a hand-crank or a pneumatic lever located near the top of the adjustable height table legs. If you want a portable standing desk, we recommend you go with one of these options so you don’t have to worry about where to plug it in.
Otherwise, an electric standing desk is far more convenient. Considering the average standing computer workstation can hold a few hundred pounds of equipment, it is much easier to go from sitting to standing height (and back again) with the touch of a button. Let the motorized standing desk do the work for you!
So why sit at your desk all day with a Fitbit around your wrist, when you could be getting a leg up with a standing height desk (pun intended)?